Selasa, 17 November 2015

Illuminated Caves - Okinawa , Japan 

Can you imagine a caves that the rock , the ceiling even the water look a like mirror ? Well you can call me crazy but there is a caves like that and named as illuminated caves. In Japan ,To the south of Okinawa there is a beautiful illuminated cave named Gyokusendo Cave,this cave occupies the second largest position among these series of caves in Japan.Inside the cave it is well maintained and the walking paths are comfortable and well lit.It is located in the southern park of Okinawa and it is must visit spot,we should not leave any chance to approach this even if it is a rainy day or dark clouds are covered.As we are about to enter into the caves just a few meters while entering we feel like we have entered into a air conditioned room.The cool breeze inside the caves make it feel comfortable and the stainless steel stairs and walkways make the journey through the caves more convenient.In fact they feel a bit slippery in some spots where moisture has accumulated.
The walking route in Gyoksuendo cave is along a metal walkway with guardrails and is easy and safe,but at times they feel little slippery too.Inside the cave there are many arrangements done by the Okinawa world being most popular visit in Okinawa.They provided colored lights to get illuminated effect,they also provided wide range of impressive displays as well as the small waterfalls and pools of water also look spectacular.There are many Stalactites visible in this cave and they grow at a rate of 1 mm per year.Few of these Stalactites are several meters long and have a great look being in numerous amount underneath the cave and just above the walkway.The cave is estimated to be over 300,000 years old.Motion detectors are provided and they control some of the lighting while we have a walk thorugh and looks amazing with wide range of colours with clear water flows and cool breeze.

Beautiful isn't ? and again your imaginations breakthrough the outta space . Well every caves need a story behind right ? and this caves indeed has a history or a background within.Gyokusendo caves is one of the biggest Caves in Okinawa,Japan,it is also the second biggest cave system in Japan after Akiyoshido cave.These Gyokusendo Caves generally called as illuminated caves led their formation over 300,000 years,the cave length of these illuminated caves is about 5 kilometers,but only 1 kilometer and less than is open to the public in the form of walkways and few other accessibility.Okinawa village is the fifth largest island in Japan excluding the disputed islands north of Hokkaido.The island covers an area of 1,201.03 square kilometers which is roughly 640 kilometers south of the rest of Japan.

 Well are you guys full with those imaginations ? cool isn't ? and this place is worth to visit and i hope i can recomended you all with some impossible place that worth to visited .Thankyou :D 
                           - BeyondYourImaginations -

Selasa, 10 November 2015

" Ranbow Garden " Kawachi Fuji, Japan

Beautiful isn't ? can you imagination what a ranbow garden looks like ? well there is a ranbow garden in Kawachi Fuji , Japan called Wisteria Tunnel , it named like that because there are a lot of beautiful flowers and the flowers changed every season and make a new color of ranbow every season. The garden are home to about 150 wisteria flowering plants spanning 20 different species ( white , blue , purple , violet-blue and pink ). This is the reason why Wisteria Tunnel is so colorful and graceful . it warms every single people who came to that tunnel and being amaze by its beauty 

Even the garden was changed color every season there is a time for the best bloom.The best time to visit is from late april to mid may ( depends on the weather each year ). The peak is normally at end of april to the Golden week. Not every year Wisteria blooms so magnificently. When the flowers are blooming in Golden week you will see something in fairy-tail told us , and it's practically impposible to walk through the pastel-colored passageway of Wisteria flowers at the Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Kitakyushu without imagining an elegant fairy princess and her one-horned white steed prancing alongside you

This garden will provide you with a magnificent day sight and a night sight but in the night they only open for few hour to maintain the looks of the flower and to maintain the beauty of the flower day after day. Wisteria Tunnel guard always spray natural water that they got from the bottom of the leg mountain and they believe that water can make the flower grows more beautiful then yesterday

The Informations to come to this garden :
Address : 805-0045 2-2-46 Kawachi, Yahata Higashi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka
Contact  : Tel:093-652-0334 Kitakyushu Kawachi Fuji Garden
Fees       : It changes depending on the flower condition. Please ask.
Parking  : 200 vehicles.
Access   : 15-minute drive from Otani or Sanji Interchange of Kitakyushu Urban Expressway
Times Available : From late of April to late of May (It changes depending on the weather)
Area       : Kitakyushu Area
Genre     : Wisteria (Flowers and Plants)

Selasa, 03 November 2015

Introduction : Beyond the Impossible

hai guys , my name is David R and im 19 y.o and i come from planet or we can say Bekasi -.- . Well first of all IDK what im gonna talking about but i think i gonna tell about myself a little , i have a little family that a little bit normal and yeah sure its little but warm inside . I have a great father that always inspire me with bad thing which mean he doesn't want me to do that bad things again , next i have step brother , step sister and step younger sister step step step ... -eventhou their my steps but i still love them .

 lets get down to business , in this blog i gonna write all place around the world that beung impossible to reach but i gonna make it possible with imagination and fact , for example : Can you imagination that we can go to Ranbow Garden which all the trees and leaves are coloring like Ranbow ? well yeah that is possible , in fact in japan they have a Ranbow Garden that all the trees are coloring like ranbow and it comes when spring season .

And thats all about this blog gonna review and i hope you guys enjoy the travel in your mind and imaginations ..  Thank You :D :D