Selasa, 03 November 2015

Introduction : Beyond the Impossible

hai guys , my name is David R and im 19 y.o and i come from planet or we can say Bekasi -.- . Well first of all IDK what im gonna talking about but i think i gonna tell about myself a little , i have a little family that a little bit normal and yeah sure its little but warm inside . I have a great father that always inspire me with bad thing which mean he doesn't want me to do that bad things again , next i have step brother , step sister and step younger sister step step step ... -eventhou their my steps but i still love them .

 lets get down to business , in this blog i gonna write all place around the world that beung impossible to reach but i gonna make it possible with imagination and fact , for example : Can you imagination that we can go to Ranbow Garden which all the trees and leaves are coloring like Ranbow ? well yeah that is possible , in fact in japan they have a Ranbow Garden that all the trees are coloring like ranbow and it comes when spring season .

And thats all about this blog gonna review and i hope you guys enjoy the travel in your mind and imaginations ..  Thank You :D :D

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